The Witch has come from humble origins and is determined to become great to hide her shameful origins forever. She works very hard to bewitch the forest surrounding Kassel to grow an army, but the littlest princess unspells the dark trees every day.
When a prince arrives bewitched as a frog, the Witch plans to force the princess to marry him, because the prince will take the little princess away.
The Witch has trapped the prince's bodyguard Iron Henry. She has never met a soldier like him. She needs a soldier to lead her army into battle and he would be the best war leader she could have. He withstands her bewitching magic through sheer force of will but she is convinced she can break him.
When a prince arrives bewitched as a frog, the Witch plans to force the princess to marry him, because the prince will take the little princess away.
The Witch has trapped the prince's bodyguard Iron Henry. She has never met a soldier like him. She needs a soldier to lead her army into battle and he would be the best war leader she could have. He withstands her bewitching magic through sheer force of will but she is convinced she can break him.