Joy Everafter Stories is a studio in Adelaide, South Australia, owned by Kathy Smart Game Design Pty Ltd.
Frog's Princess was made on a small budget for a 3-hour game. Everyone was fully paid but the contracts were very short. The peak of productivity was between July 2018 and September 2018 when 5 people worked full time on the game.
Only Kathy Smart, Scott Purcival and Christy Butt have worked for more than 3 months on the game.
Frog's Princess was made on a small budget for a 3-hour game. Everyone was fully paid but the contracts were very short. The peak of productivity was between July 2018 and September 2018 when 5 people worked full time on the game.
Only Kathy Smart, Scott Purcival and Christy Butt have worked for more than 3 months on the game.
Here are the people who made Frog's Princess.